
'Come this way, you brat!' |
'Let me go! I don't want to go!' |
Soldier, if you don't have Healie: |
'Oh, Ragnar! I found the old well
by chance and came this far.' |
'The monsters in this tower are
very tough!' |
'I should have let Healie whom I
met in the well join me.' |
Soldier, if you do have Healie: |
'Oh, Ragnar! I found the old well
by chance and came this far.' |
'The monsters in this tower are
very tough!' |
'I should have let Healie whom I
met in the well join me.' |
'I envy you.' |
Soldier, on the bottom
floor: |
'Ra...Ragnar...I'm nearing my
end....Listen well....' |
'Somewhere in this world, the
Ruler of Evil is about to resurrect.' |
'Also, according to a prophecy,
the Hero who shall defeat him is now growing up.' |
'The evil ones intend to destroy
the Hero while he or she is growing and still weak.' |
'Ragnar, save all children....' |
His fallen
comrade's words in mind, Ragnar
ventures forth.
'Help! Help me!' |
'Help me, sir! They say I'm the
Hero and treat me badly!' |
'I have no business with a lowly
royal soldier!' |
Monster standing on
pedestal: |
'You fool! As you wish, I'll smash
you to bits.' |
A furious
battle ensues, with Ragnar the
Saro's Shadow, after being
defeated: |
'I can't believe I lost....' |
'I'm sure the monsters will seek
and destroy the Hero....' |
'All mankind will eventually be
offered up to the Ruler of Evil. I'll see you in the Evil
World....Gasp!' |
'Hurray! Thank you sir!' |
'We an go home, right? I heard you
can go home if you jump from the top.' |
heads for the top, and meets once again with the fallen comrade,
who has finally succumbed to his injuries.
Soldier, on second from top
floor: |
'Hmm...is that so? Very well!' |
'I'll go tell the King about the
Ruler of Evil and the Hero.' |
'Return these children to their
mothers. Farewell!' |
instead goes to Burland Castle.
On to Page 14.
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