Castle Town of Burland

What a pity, indeed.

Old Man, at the castle doors:
  'If I were young, we could have fought together....What a pity.'


Solder, around item shop:
  'Ragnar! Good work! Say...'
  'will you let me take credit for saving the children?'
  'I was only kidding. You are so naive.'


Man in blue clothes, at the inn:
  'You're a true soldier. Keep it up!'


Alex, in his residence:
  'You're that soldier! It's me, Alex. Thanks for saving me.'


Flora, alongside Alex:
  'I'm indebted to you for my husband's safe return. Thank you.'


Woman in red clothes, outside armory:
  'Thank you. Now we can live without fear.'


Woman in red clothes, beside her husband in the armory:
  'We can let out kids outside now, can't we? Thank you.'


Child, upstairs in the armory:
  'Yeah! Yeah! I can play outside tomorrow.'

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