
have you been to Endor?' |
If yes:
bet it's a bustling place.' |
If no:
the bridge still down?' |
heard da Gardi went to fix it. What happened?' |
in blue clothes, at the House of Healing: |
Tom's son is back! How wonderful!' |
Taloon. My son's returned! Thank you. I'm so glad.' |
Son, near the dog cage: |
It's me, Tom's son! Thanks so much for everything!' |
I'll reward you.' |
You just want to borrow my dog, Tov? No problem.' |
'He loves
to hunt foxes. I'm sure he'll be great help.' |
always obey Taloon.' |

A fox tricked me out of all my armor.' |
else was also tricked by foxes. What was his name? I
think it sounded like da Gardi....' |
'My son
says he'll work hard. I'm so surprised to hear that.' |
'My son?
He's in the backyard by the dog cage.' |
Now Taloon
can go and flush out the foxes
at Foxville.
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