Town of Endor

Man, in the second floor of his residence on the
right side of town: |
'Wait a
minute! Isn't that the Silver Statue in your hand?!' |
'I'll pay, 25000 gold pieces for it! Will you sell it to
me?' |
If yes:
Talk to
him again:
Silver Statue is beautiful.' |
the way, I hear there once was a sword called the
Zenithian Sword.' |
want it. I don't care what it costs.' |
If no:
If you change your mind, come back anytime and
sell it to me.' |
Now that Taloon
has enough money, he can now buy the shop from the other old
man in town.
Man, on the second floor of his residence on the
left side of town: |
'Are you
asking of the shop downstairs is closed?' |
'I'm old
and plan to retire after selling it....' |
about buying my shop for 35000 gold pieces?' |
If yes:
do? Alright, from now on, you're the owner of
this shop.' |
Taloon finally gets his own shop and calls for his
family.' |
in their new residence in the lower left side of town in
Endor: |
wonderful! This is our shop! It's a dream come true!' |
work hard from now on!' |
work together to make this the world's greatest shop!' |
'I love
you...Smack!' |
if you talk to her on her side of the counter, during the
day: |
'Are you
tired already? It's still early, but you want to sleep?' |
If yes:
The next
up, darling. It's morning.' |
your lunch. Have a good day.' |
If no:
stay at the shop and you bring in the
merchandise, OK?' |
you speak to me over this counter, I'll take the
goods you bring and put them up for sale.' |
in the upper floor of Taloon's new
residence: |
Daddy! You finally own a shop!' |
talking to her on the other side of the counter: |
home darling. Have you brought more merchandise?' |
If yes:
shall I put up for sale?' |
you have nothing to sell (press *B*):
'We're through stocking,
right? Would you like to see what we have
for sale?' |
If yes:
'I'll try
hard to get good prices. You work
hard too. Smack!' |
If yes, but have no
'We don't
have any merchandise! Bring some
soon.' |
If no:
'I'll try
hard to get good prices. You work
hard too. Smack!' |
If no:
come over here....' |
then goes before the King, to
inform his Majesty of Taloon's
new shop.
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