
performance, sis. Did you see him?' |
'No. I
didn't see a cute guy in the audience today either.' |
'No, I
mean him. Our sworn enemy, Balzack!' |
right. No, I didn't see him either.' |
'Don't be
so discouraged. If you continue traveling, someday you'll
find him.' |
I'll pay you up through today. Thanks for performing with
us.' |
so popular. I want you to stay longer, but I don't want
to interfere with your pursuit of revenge.' |
well tonight and leave in the morning. Have a safe
journey.' |

in her room to the right of the dance hall: |
morning, sis. Shall we leave now?' |
in blue clothes, in the same room as Nara: |
it was only for a short time, I enjoyed working with you.
I hope you succeed in your pursuit of revenge.' |
Man in green clothes, in the next room down: |
'Oh, so
you're searching for the man who murdered your father.' |
in blue clothes, outside an empty booth: |
'I hear,
Edgar, an alchemist in Kievs, was murdered by his pupil,
Balzack.' |
You're his daughters? Oh, I feel so sorry for you.' |
in purple clothes, in the residence of the empty booth on
the right side of town: |
'No one's
downstairs? My husband has gone somewhere again!' |
in blue clothes, walking about the center of town: |
'This is
Monbaraba, a town of music and dance. The Villiage of
Kievs is in the north.' |
in blue clothes, at the inn: |
'I don't
know who you're looking for. There's no one here but me.
Get out!' |
What a loser!
in blue clothes, in the apartment on the right, to the
left of the House of Healing: |
in blue clothes, in the left apartment, to the left of
the House of Healing: |
Lynn! Where did she go? I'll punish her if I find her!' |
in blue clothes, guarding the eatery: |
the eatery only opens at night.' |
walking outside the eatery: |
'I hear
Lynn from the eatery ran away. She was so popular.' |

'This is
the theater. The Master is in the basement waiting room.' |

finally leaving. I think it's a good idea to return to
Kievs once in a while.' |
forget to visit your father's grave. Take care....' |

in blue clothes, seen running out the back door of the
inn: |
tell anyone I'm here. I don't want to go to the Castle!' |
'I heard
that a coup broke out at Keeleon and the King was
overthrown.' |
'The new
King, calling himself an alchemist, is performing
horrible experiments.' |
in blue clothes, at the inn: |
strive to save the injured...Zzz...' |
in blue clothes, in the apartment on the right, to the
left of the House of Healing: |
'I hope
you find Balzack, the object of your revenge, soon.' |
in blue clothes, making a beeline for the
eatery: |
Where did Lynn go?' |
been summoned to Keeleon Castle.' |
Man in green clothes, at the eatery: |
food after work is the best! Ah, so delicious!' |
'I wonder
why Edgar was murdered by his pupil, Balzack....' |
in blue clothes, already at the eatery: |
Aren't you Edgar's daughters?' |
'Did he
succeed in turning iron to gold?' |
'If he
did, he could become a king.' |
in blue clothes, behind the counter at the eatery: |
Eat and sing! Forget your problems!' |

in blue clothes, in the room on the bottom: |
like you shouldn't come here.' |
in blue clothes, in the middle room: |
'What? Is
this a pufpuf room? I can't tell you.' |
in purple clothes, in the top room: |
'This was
Lynn's room. Where is she now?' |

in purple clothes, in her residence with the
empty booth on the right side of town: |
'He came
back and fell asleep when I was out looking for him.
Where was he?' |
Man in green clothges, in his residence with the
empty booth: |
cave has a secret...Zzz...Zzz...' |
What kind of
in blue clothes, in Nara and Mara's
old room: |
girls were summoned to the feasts held almost every night
at Keeleon Castle.' |
'No girl
ever returns from there.' |

in blue clothes, behind the left booth: |
dance and enjoy the music!' |
Man in green clothes, behind the right booth: |
stage is downstairs.' |
'Mara! I
thought you left town. You're back!' |
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