![Nice Boarding Pass you got there](dw40200.gif)
Man in
blue clothes, guarding the ship: |
'You brought a Boarding
Pass. Hurry! The ship will sail soon!' |
![Next stop, Endor!](dw40201.gif)
Man in
blue clothes, near the stairs to the galley: |
'This ship's destination
is Endor. I'm excited!' |
Man in
blue clothes, if you talk to him again: |
'The cabins are
downstairs.' |
at the steering wheel: |
'I'm the captain. We'll
sail soon. Wait in your cabin.' |
![Who's Taloon?](dw40202.gif)
Fat Man in
green clothes: |
'My fellow merchant,
Taloon, has opened a shop in Endor. I'm on my way to
congratulate him.' |
'I hear some people tried
to destroy the King of Keeleon.' |
too bad it didn't work.
![Be patient ladies](dw40203.gif)
'When will this ship
sail! Be patient.' |
'Why don't you talk with
the passengers and the captain?' |
Man in
purple clothes, in the lower room: |
'This ship carries with
it the memories of many different people.' |
'I don't know what you've
been through, but cheer up!' |
'Good things will come if
you live....' |
Man in
red clothes, in the lower room: |
'Oh, Joy! Why can't
you...?' |
'Darn! I could marry
another girl! Weep...Weep...' |
in the upper room: |
'I'm Pipin.' |
'We came to this country
to see our father. But my sister says we're going back. I
don't understand.' |
Woman in
red clothes, in the upper room: |
'I won't tell my brother,
Pipin, what happened to our father...' |
'until he's old enough to
bear agony and despair....' |
![Say bye bye, country](dw40204.gif)
'Once the ship leaves,
you won't be able to come back to this country.' |
'Do you have anything you
should take care of before leaving? Can we sail now?' |
If yes:
'Well then, let's
sail! Raise the Anchor!' |
If no:
'In that case, go
finish what you have to do. We'll wait for you.' |
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