
at the town entrance: |
'This is
Haville, a port town where ships bound for Endor depart.' |
'The last
ship to leave this port left some time ago.' |
in blue clothes, near the jail: |
'No more
ships are in service.' |

in prison clothes, in the cell on the right: |
Balzack seems to have a hidden master.' |
to rumor, he's not human.' |
'When I
told this to a soldier called Ragnar, he left quickly.' |
Man, in the middle cell: |
'Is the
House of Prophecy still on the shore?' |
visitor? Many visitors come to see the prisoners these
days....' |

guarding the wharf: |
the gypsy sisters fled by ship, the King's regulations
became even more strict.' |
'We may
never see another ship leave this port.' |
in blue clothes, behind the booth at the weapon shop: |
Keys? Such bizarre things...' |
EXIST! Unfortunately I don't have one.' |
'They say
alchemists could make one easily.' |
remember alchemists used to live in the southern village,
Kievs.' |

in red clothes, in the room on the bottom: |
'I'm here
to see Joy, the girl who gave my brother the cold
shoulder.' |
convince her how good he is!' |

Balzack of Keeleon appears even less often than before.' |
'Good for
me, I can take it easy.' |
in red clothes, dancing in circles: |
'Joy is
too pretty for my brother. I'll marry her!' |

in blue clothes, near the armor shop: |
'It seems
true that the Ruler of Evil will revive soon.' |
afraid we won't be able to take a walk at night anymore.' |
With that, the
Party heads for the Cave West of Kievs, with a few stopovers, one
at the House of Prophecy, the other at Aktemto.
On to Page 166.
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