
Monster, near the stairs to the throne room: |
'Kiii! We
monsters have taken over Santeem Castle!' |
'The King
of this Castle is Balzack!' |
Monster, guarding the treasure room: |
guarding the treasure under Balzack's order. Leave
immediately! Crackle...Crackle...' |
Monster, in the eatery: |
I'm hungry!' |
Balzack drives me hard.' |
him, not me! Kiii!' |

Balzack! Who does he think he is?' |
wouldn't work for him if it wasn't for Necrosaro's order.
Kikii!' |
Balzack, if Nara and Mara
are not present: |
already reached the ultimate form of evolution! My body
is like a super-being's!' |
Necrosaro the that Necrosaro is no match for
me.' |
You foolish, weak humans!' |
Balzack, if Nara and Mara
are present: |
daughter! You've come! I didn't expect to fight with you
again!' |
'Look at
me! I've changed beyond recognition, haven't I? I'm
Balzack!' |
Necrosaro the that Necrosaro is no match for
me.' |
You foolish, weak humans!' |
A battle
ensues, with the Hero's Party
coming out the victor (what else is new?)
impossible! My body, supposedly invincible, is terribly
wounded....' |
'But as
long as the Secret of Evolution exists, I will never
fall....I will...I will...Gasp!' |
experiment seems to have failed. We must report to
Necrosaro.' |
Golden Bracelet is necessary to perfect the Secret of
Evolution.' |
said the Golden Bracelet amplifies the evil force!' |
'When we
obtain the Golden Bracelet and perfect the Secret of
Evolution...' |
time, the time of the evil force, will come! Ha, Ha, Ha!' |

'I'm not
a bad Slime. I came to see my friend, Meena the cat,
because I was concerned about her.' |
says the King of Santeem had a strange power.' |
'She says
you should talk to a person in Surene who can tell you
more.' |
With that, the
Hero's Party heads north, to
On to Page 180.
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