
Sentry, the one on the left guarding the Castle
entrance: |
to Gardenbur Castle.' |
Sentry, the one on the right guarding the Castle
entrance: |
women live in this Castle. Our Queen is a very beautiful
woman.' |

in red clothes, at the Castle entrance: |
Travelers!' |
passage must be open now. That's good.' |
in blue clothes, near the armor shop: |
been studying the art of prophecy.' |
Queen, recognizing my talent, gave me the Bronze Amulet.' |
'It's my
treasure!' |
Sentry, near the armor shop: |
'We guard
as well as any men!' |
Man in green clothes, to the left of the
corridor leading to the throne room: |
haven't been able to leave since the volcanic eruption.' |
'What? A
passage is now open? Hmm...should I be happy or what?' |
in purple clothes, in the eatery on the lower left
corner: |
'What? I
didn't hear you. I'm busy now.' |
in red clothes, on the south side of the tables in the
eatery: |
rumor is that the Ruler of Evil will ressurect at last.' |
in red clothes, on the north side of the tables in the
eatery: |
Ruler of Evil must be male. If I'm right, he may have a
weakness for girls.' |
Sentry, in the eatery: |
'I prefer
a strong man, no matter how he looks.' |
Man, posing as Shaman in the
House of Healing: |
'I'm the
only man living in this Castle.' |
Phhh, Phhh. You envy me, don't you? By the way....' |
Actually, I
think you have major problems, one being an egotistic fool.

bored. Where's the excitement?' |
in blue clothes, in the top right cell: |
me! I haven't stolen any clothes!' |
in blue clothes, in the lower right cell: |
'I can't
tell anyone I lost a fight to a woman soldier....' |
What's wrong
with that? Not a thing.

in purple clothes, in the lower right room: |
'This is
an old story. When the Queen's grandmother was young...' |
received something called the Zenithian Shield from
Burland's King.' |
in red clothes, in the same room: |
studying the rumors related to the Ruler of Evil.' |
resurrection of the Ruler of Evil...the prophecy of the
maturing Hero who shall defeat him...' |
Dragon in Zenithia...' |
'and the
baby born to a celestial nymph in Branca....' |
beginning to understand the meaning of all these
stories....' |
in red clothes, in the room on the left: |
'This is
the Queen's dressing room.' |
touch those beautiful dresses with your dirty hands!' |
in purple clothes, in the room on the right: |
Queen speaks harshly, but she's actually tender hearted.' |
would have enjoyed a commoner's life if she hadn't been
born into the royal family. I feel sorry for her.' |
Sentry, beside the Queen: |
Queen is very strict. Watch your manners.' |
'You must
be travelers.' |
had peace because we'd been cut off from the outside
world....' |
immediately.' |

Sentry, the one on the left guarding the Castle
entrance: |
'We close
the gate at night for safety.' |
back tomorrow.' |

in purple clothes, in the room above the armor shop: |
Why don't you check the drawer? You'll find something.' |
in blue clothes, afterwards: |
'You bold
thieves!' |
under arrest! Come!' |

'Get out!
The Queen will see you.' |

'I'm the
Queen of this country. I judge all accused.' |
accused of stealing the prophetess's Bronze Amulet.' |
'Do you
admit you stole it?' |
If yes:
try to get away with a lighter sentence simply by
confessing.' |
on trial. You must tell the truth.' |
ask you again. Did you steal the Bronze Amulet?' |
'The prophetess says she saw
you steal it.' |
'Do you still insist you
didn't steal it?' |
If no:
different from what you just
said!' |
'I'll ask
you again.' |
If yes:
'Then who
stole the Bronze Amulet?' |
'If you
insist you're falsely accused,
I'll give you a chance to find
the real thief.' |
I'll have to keep one of you as a
hostage.' |
Put one of them into jail!' |
'Go find
the thief now!' |
Female Sentry,
at the jail:
taken (character name) as
hostage.' |
'To change
the hostage, talk to me.' |
If no:
prophetess says she saw you steal it.' |
you still insist you didn't steal it?' |
'That's different from what
you just said!' |
'I'll ask you again.' |
'Then who stole the Bronze
Amulet?' |
'If you insist you're
falsely accused, I'll give you a chance
to find the real thief.' |
'However, I'll have to keep
one of you as a hostage.' |
'Soldiers! Put one of them
into jail!' |
'Go find the thief now!' |
Sentry, at the jail:
'We've taken (character
name) as hostage.' |
'To change the hostage, talk
to me.' |
when you talk to her again: |
in your innocence, I gave you a chance to find the
thief.' |
'Do not
betray my faith in you. Go now.' |

Bronze Amulet is my treasure. Return it to me, please.' |

'Do you
want to change the hostage?' |
If no:
change the hostage, talk to me.' |
If yes:
will be the hostage?' |
If the Hero:
belive (Hero's name) is
indispensable to you....' |
take someone else.' |
taken (character name) as hostage.' |
who was in jail) should return to the wagon.' |
change the hostage, talk to me.' |
counting on you. Catch the thief.' |
counting on you. Get me out of here soon.' |

in purple clothes, in the eatery: |
'Where do
I think the thief may be?' |
'If I
were a thief, I'd hide in a cave.' |
Aha! There is
a cave southeast of Gardenbur. Therefore, the Hero
and his mates, less the hostage, venture into the cave.
On to Page 197.
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