rulerofevil2k's Dragon Warrior IV Speeches Web Page comes online.
Completely restarted the website due to inefficiencies in my programming. Each of the first 20 pages will be completely redone, and I plan on adding more pages every so often.
Added Pages 1 through 3.
Added Page 4.
Added Pages 5 through 20. Chapter 1: The Royal Soldiers is now complete (pages 1 through 18). The first 2 pages of Chapter 2: Princess Alena's Adventure have now been posted. There will now be some distance in time between updates, as I have to play through the game, gather screenshots, spell check my speeches list, and make the actual page itself.
Added Pages 21 through 23.
Added Links page to the website; three links: The Kingdom of Alefgard; Dragon Warrior Online; and The Dragon's Den have been posted.
FINALLY added the DQ Shrine to the links page. I promise that the next few pages to the dialogue list will be posted soon.
Added Pages 24 and 25. Added a new menu page.
Added the Small Medal Locations page.
Added Planet Dragon Warrior and dragon-warrior.com to the links page. My heart goes out to everyone today as we mourn the one-year anniversary of the 911 Attacks.
Added a table on the Start Page showing records in hit counts for days, weeks, and months. It's small, for now, but hopefully the stats will continue to rack up. I also edited this page, adding hyperlinks.
Added the full Dragon Warrior IV Experience Chart, from Level 1 to Level 99.
Added the full Dragon Warrior IV Weapon Statistics.
Edited Pages 1 through 4. You should see the noticeable difference. Page 26 will be posted as soon as I finish editing Pages 5 thru 25. I am currently in 7th place on the Dragon Warrior Top 20, 0.2 votes per day behind the Dragon's Den for 6th, and a whopping 4.8 votes per day behind first place Planet Dragon Warrior.
Edited Pages 5 through 7.
Added some more hitcount-based statistics to the start page. I am gradually working my way to editing the rest of the pages before posting Page 26. Hopefully I will get as many done as possible before the weekend is over. In case you're wondering, I work 5 days a week, until 2-3 am. This is the key factor in this site being rarely updated. I apologize for this but I promise I will continue to work on and maintain this site. I will not give up.
Edited Pages 8 through 12.
Wow it's been a long time since I've done updates. I apologize for my sustained absence. For now all I can update are my hit-count statistics, but now that my girlfriend is with her parents until Boxing Day, maybe I can edit a few more pages.
Edited Pages 13 through 18. Chapter One: The Royal Soldiers has now been completely edited; I apologize for the wait.
Edited Pages 19 through 21.
Merry Christmas everyone. I updated Page 22 and it's now up.
Re-edited Pages 1 and 2, because the alignment of the text was off. Hopefully this will be it for mistakes in the programming, and I will be able to continue on past Page 25 this time.
Re-edited Page 3.
Re-edited Pages 4 through 6.
Re-edited Pages 7 through 12.
Re-edited Pages 13 through 25. Chapter 1 has now been completely re-edited (18 pages total, 22 screenshots). I can now start adding new pages. Also, the Speeches Table of Contents page has been edited as well. I removed most of the hit-count statistics on the main page.
Added the lengthy Page 26. Also added the Dragon Quest-Dragon Warrior News Network under my Links page.
Added a Message Board. Link is on the front page. Also added Page 27.
Added Pages 28 and 29.
Added Pages 30 through 36.
Added Pages 37 and 38.
Added Pages 39 through 41.
Added Pages 42 through 46.
Added Pages 47 through 50.
Edited the Start Page. There's a new table showing each character and what level they would be at if the hit count was their experience points. Also, I added Pages 51 through 55. Chapter Two: Princess Alena's Adventure is now completed (37 pages total, 84 screenshots.)
Added Pages 56 and 57.
Added Pages 58 and 59. I am almost at 1000 hits for this website!
Added Pages 60 and 61.
Updated the Start Page. I am proud to announce that this site has had 1000 visitors!
Just edited the records table on the start page. February 2003 was the Dragon Warrior IV Speeches Website's most prominent month to date, with 290 people viewing the page.
Added Chameleon's Den to the Links Page. Also edited the background of many pages.
Edited the background of the rest of the pages, excluding the Start Page. All pages (except said page) should now have Necrosaro in the background. Also added Page 62.
Added the full Dragon Warrior IV Armor Statistics. Also added Pages 63 and 64.
Added Pages 65 through 74. Also added Dragon Warrior Returns to the links page.
Added Pages 75 through 89. Chapter 3: Taloon the Arms Merchant is now completed (34 pages total, 51 screenshots.) As you can see I'm trying to get as much done as I can, since the whole thing will be about 200 pages or so, and a truckload of screenshots, close to 500 when the whole thing's done and over with.
Uploaded Page 90.
Added Pages 91 and 92.
Edited Page 92.
Added Pages 93 through 95.
Added Page 96.
Added Page 97.
Added Page 98.
Added Page 99.
Added Pages 100 through 107. Chapter Four: The Sisters of Monbaraba is now completed (18 pages total, 48 screenshots.) And thus begins the fifth and final chapter. I am now 50% done. Also I just realized that I am now the 5th most searched DWIV site from Yahoo! I never even knew they put me there. Click here to access the page. I'm also on MSN, and Lycos, HotBot, MetaCrawler, Ask Jeeves, Google, Infoseek (as you can tell I'm very impressed because I've never been given so much attention before in my life [with the exception of my fiance]).
Added Pages 108 and 109i-iv (you'll see why I did that and I hope you like it. The screenshot at the end took me 3 hours to make.) Pages 110 through 112 are also now up.
Added Pages 113 and 114.
Added the downloads page, and uploaded version 2.0 of the speeches txt. Added Dark Phoenix's Dragon Warrior/Quest Shrine, Laddermonkey, and Silver Winds to the links page. The last two, however, are neither Dragon Warrior- nor Dragon Quest-related. If you want your website to be linked on my page, just give me an email and I will take a look at it.
Added Pages 115 and 116. Yesterday, 29 people hit the website, the most ever for one day at this site.
Added Pages 117 through 126. Yesterday, the daily hit record was beat yet again, this time a whopping 44 hits on the website.
Added Pages 127 through 129. A record 126 people hit my site in the last week, pushing the overall hit total to over 1,500.
Added Pages 130 through 135. Page 135 is by far the largest page of the 135, at a hefty 36,096 bytes. I also added a date stamp and clock on the start page, using graphics from the game itself. Also changed the links on the Links page as well as the vote for me page (please, I need your votes!!! I'm still in 9th place) so that it opens in a new window. Also edited the speeches menu page a bit.
Added Pages 136 through 146. Also, I edited a few pages.
Added Pages 147 through 150. I am roughly 66% through now, with maybe 60-70 pages left.
Added Pages 151 through 159. I've already had 1000 hits this year. Way to go, guys! I also added Square-Enix to the links section.
Added Pages 160 through 171. May has been a stellar month, hitwise. Over 400 people, or 1/3 of the hits this year, have hit the site in May! I've also moved into 8th place in the Dragon Warrior Top 20 (You can vote for me at the bottom of the Start Page).
Added Pages 172 through 177. Roughly, I'm between 75-80% done now.
Added Page 178. Also fixed some graphics up, giving them animations.
Added Pages 179 through 183. I am almost at 2000 hits for the website. Keep 'em comin', guys!
Added Pages 184 through 195. I've reached 2000 hits for the site. Way to go! I'm now roughly 85% done.
Added the very lengthy page 196. This is the biggest page uploaded so far at 33,138 bytes (but I think the Dire Palace page will surpass this easily.)