
Man in
purple clothes, in the inn: |
'How tragic...that couples must be
separated.' |
Woman in
purple clothes, standing in front of a gravesite: |
'This is Tempe, a cursed village.' |
'If my daughter hadn't been born
here, she'd still be alive.' |
running about outside a building: |
'Hurray! You came to beat the
monster, right?' |
Fat Man
in green clothes, circling the well: |
'The chief's daughter, Nina, is to
be offered.' |
'My son was going to marry
her....' |
Man in
blue clothes, in his place on the top left corner: |
'No! I won't let them offer you.
If we run away....' |
Woman in
red clothes, talking to the Man in blue
clothes: |
'I can't leave my parents....' |
Old Man,
in his place on the top right corner: |
'Some time ago a monster moved
into the northern wood.' |
'He threatens to destroy the
village if we don't offer him young girls.' |
a sicko!
Man in
green clothes, in his place where the Child
is running outside: |
'I must offer my daughter, Nina,
to save the village.' |
'Isn't there someone strong enough
to put an end to the monster?' |
If yes:
'Oh, you will?' |
'If that's true, please
see the shaman!' |
If no:
Woman in
purple clothes, in the Chief's place: |
if you said yes to the Chief: |
'You plan to destroy the monster?
It only appears when given offerings.' |
'Are you willing to be given as an
offering?' |
If yes:
'You are? Please wait. The
offering litter will arrive soon.' |
'Get in the offering
litter please.' |
Man in blue
'I'll never forget what
you've done!' |
Man in green
'Don't ever litter the
litter.' |
Man in blue
'This is no time for puns,
Shaman!' |
If no:
'No one wants to die. By
the way...' |
confident, Alena decides to
test her strength against this maniacal monster. A battle ensues,
with the trio of Alena, Cristo
and Brey emerging the winner!
'The news of the monster's demise
spread through the village like wildfire.' |
'And a new day began....' |

outside the Chief's place: |
'Hurray! The monster's gone!' |
Woman in
red clothes, inside the Chief's place: |
Woman in
purple clothes, inside the Chief's
place: |
'I'd given up hope....Thank you so
much.' |
Man in
blue clothes, inside the Chief's place: |
'I'll never forget what you've
done!' |
'The item shop has opened up
again. Tempe will come back to life.' |
'Thank you.' |
'You're so strong! Hmm...you're
traveling to prove your strength.' |
'I suggest you enter the
tournament in Endor in the east.' |
'You can go to Endor from the
shrine southwest of here.' |
inside the House of Healing: |
'Everyone appreciates what you've
done. Anyway...' |
Man in
purple clothes, near the landing where the monster was: |
'If you go east after leaving the
woods, you will reach Frenor.' |

Woman in
red clothes, inside the Chief's place: |
'Thanks. Have a safe journey.' |
'I think I've seen you before....' |
'Was it at the Castle? I can't
remember.' |
Woman in
purple clothes, inside the Chief's
place: |
Man in
blue clothes, at his place: |
Fat Man in
green clothes, talking to the man in
blue clothes: |
'Now I can take care of my
business. Thanks.' |
inside the Old Man's place: |
Man in
purple clothes, outside the Old Man's
place: |
'You don't look like commoners.' |
'Aren't you of noble birth?' |
If yes:
'I was right. You're the
Princess' Party!' |
If no:
enough gratitude for one day, Alena
leaves the town of Tempe, and, to the advice of the man
in purple clothes, goes north and east.
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